Letter to Nikolai Gorbunov, January 12, 1921

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Comrade Gorbunov:

I most earnestly request you to telephone the Electrical Department of the (Moscow) Gubernia Economic Council at once and to speed up this matter in every possible way, taking it to the end, to its completion. Please inform me of any delay.


For my part, I enclose an engineer’s estimate (at the Gorki state farm) of what is required.

If this is not available at the Moscow Gubernia Economic Council (the Electrical Department), send them a copy.

We should check up on whether their request is not excessive.[1]


  1. A reference to the request from the peasants of the village of Gorki, Sukhanovo Volost, Podolsk Uyezd, Moscow Gubernia, submitted to the: Moscow Economic Council on January 9, 1921, for assistance in arranging the supply of electric power to their village from the electric-power station at the neighbouring Gorki state farm. They enclosed an estimate and an explanatory note giving a detailed list of the necessary materials.