Letter to Maxim Gorky, Not later than June 22, 1913

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Dear Al. Max.,

We have had a letter today from Petersburg that our plan for a visit of the Social-Democratic deputies here is close to fulfilment (extra-conspiratively: it has been decided not to say a word to anyone except you). In addition to the six supporters of Pravda it is possible, they write, that Tulyakov, Buryanov, Khaustov and even, maybe, Mankov may come. Probably they will manage to draw in some of the workers as well (non-deputies). Write, please, whether you could come (for a number of lectures, or talks, or classes, just as you please). It would be a fine thing! Seven kilometres from here by rail is Zakopane, a very good health resort. As regards money for the journey, we shall raise it, in all probability (so they write). We can collect and send you all the information about Zakopane as a health resort.

If your health permits, do come for a short time! You would meet more workers, after the ones at London[1] and the Capri school.

Malinovsky wanted to visit you but didn’t manage it, he was short of time. He and all the deputies send you warm greetings.

I await your reply.



The newspapers are full of reports about the “conflict”.[2] I think they are going to stifle Pravda for us. Maklakov will bring this off one way or another—by-passing the Duma, against, the Duma or in some other way, but bring it off he will![3]

In that case we shall turn again to illegal literature— but we have no money.

Hasn’t the “merchant” begun to contribute yet? It is time, just the right time.

Address: Herrn Wl. Ulianow. Poronin (Galizien) Autriche.

  1. ↑ Gorky had been a delegate to the Fifth (London) Congress of the RSDLP, which took place from April 30 to May 19 (May 13 to June 1), 1907.
  2. ↑ The conflict was between the Fourth Duma and the government, in connection with a speech by the Black Hundred deputy Markov II who had said with reference to a representative of the Ministry of Finance “there must be no stealing”. The Duma had not reacted in any way to the statement. The Cabinet, considering this an insult to the whole government, insisted that Markov II should be prosecuted for slander and demanded that Rodzyanko, Chairman of the Fourth Duma, should make a public statement condemning Markov’s speech.
  3. ↑ Pravda was banned on July 5 (18), 1913 by decree of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Justice on the proposal of N. A. Maklakov, Minister of the Interior. On July 13 (26) of the same year it resumed publication under the new name of Rabochaya Pravda (Workers’ Truth).