Letter to Inessa Armand, July, Prior to 24th, 1914

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Dear Friend,

Today I’ve got your letter & a letter from Popoff. Your divergence I cannot understand precisely & think it is not important. Important was only the vote & you were right not participating in it. That’s all.

Why it is “extremely unpleasant” for you to write about you being delegated from the delegation—I do not under stand. Your quarrel with Popoff is a bagatelle. Why are you against being delegated??? Write frankly, please!!

Thank you for details about conference! The comrade from the Lettish party is here. We shall speak with him precisely about their participation in our congress.

It’d be very good if you commence an exchanging of letters with Kautsky (he is a mean creature, totally without character, under private influences, always changing position according secret influence and angry against me be cause of “money story”: it is especially mean to act as “impartial” or to play the role of “impartial”, being partial & angry especially against me personally because of private quarrel with me because of money. Mean![1] ). If he begged you to write him & if you can undertake the work of translating in French all report and to sending him it (especially about 4.IV.1914) it would be very good. But, naturally, it is a very hard work & what concerns me I do not ask you to make it. If you like—faites! (My personal opinion: it is good to inform Kautsky & especially develop in very great detail[2] the question of 4.IV.1914 & the statistics of groups: this statistics is partly published in the Leipziger Volkszeitung v. 21.VII.1914. If you like, I send you it & if you like I shall help you privately to prepare a letter for Kautsky. But the play of mean intrigues is hard to paralyse now & Kautsky is a victim of intrigues of Rosa L., Plekh. & Co. Plekh. is a mean turncoat, as always. Did you see my blows at him in Rabochy[3] No. 7 and in Prosveshcheniye No. 6?).

The address of Neue Zeit I cannot find now. If you like you can write an den Verlag der “Nenen Zeit”, Stuttgart, Furtbachstraße. 12 für Genossen Karl Kautsky.

The idiots and intrigants with the aid of Kautsky will get a resolution against us at the Vienna congress. Soit!! We cannot hinder it. But we remain quiet. This last “atout” of the opportunists will be beaten also.

Your behaviour at the conference was right and was great service to the party. Popoff writes me you were ill, your voice was feeble. What is this illness? Please write me more details!! I cannot be quiet otherwise.

Many kind regards & best wishes: be healthy and quiet.[4]

Yours truly,

W. I.

  1. ↑ ["*" DUPLICATE 2 OF 3.]
    * The italicised passages marked with an asterisk are in Russian in the original.—Ed.
  2. ↑ ["*" DUPLICATE 3 OF 3.]
    * The italicised passages marked with an asterisk are in Russian in the original.—Ed.
  3. ↑ Rabochy (The Worker)—one of the names under which the Bolshevik newspaper Pravda was published from April 22 (May 5) to July 7 (20), 1914. Nine numbers were put out.
  4. ↑ [ERROR: No "*" in body of page 426!!]
    * This passage in italics is in Russian in the original. See “Adventurism” and “The Bourgeois Intelligentsia’s Methods of Struggle Against the Workers” (present edition, Vol. 20, pp. 356–59 and 455–86).—Ed.