Letter to Grigori Shklovsky, After July 18, 1914

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Dear Friend,

You no doubt know how the Brussels conference ended? The Polish opposition went over to the liquidators!

We are now in for a period of betrayals, but it will not alter anything.

Obviously, we shall not mess about with a “joint congress”—the liquidators+Rosa+the Alexinskys+the Plekhanovs.[1]

How is Samoilov’s health? Is he really on the mend? Will he be well for Vienna? (By the way, are you preparing for Vienna? Answer me at length.) Write me about Samoilov in greatest possible detail.

How did they find his stomach?

Regards to the family,



  1. ↑ Lenin is referring to the conference called in 1914 by the OC, the Vperyod and Yedinstvo groups, the Bund, the Chief Executive of the Social-Democratic party of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania, the P.P.S. and others.