Letter to Friedrich Lengnik, December 27, 1902

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Lengnik, Friedrich Wilhelmovich (1873-1936)—a professional revolutionary, Bolshevism, joined the Social-Democratic movement in 1893. In 1896 was arrested in connection with the activities of the St. Petersburg League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class and exiled to Eastern Siberia. On his return from exile joined the Iskra organisation; at the Pskov meeting of the Organising Committee for convening the Second Congress of the RSDLP (November 1902) was elected a member of the OC At the Congress was elected, in his absence, to the Central Committee and Council of the Party. In 1903-04 took an active part in the fight against the Mensheviks abroad.

December 27

We have received the letter about the coup d’état[1] and are replying at once. We are astounded that Zarin could allow such a scandal! There you have the fruits of his mistake in not joining the Committee!—a step we were insisting on long ago. We shall not publish anything about the statement for the time being, for we have received neither the statement nor the letter against it. Commence hostilities by all means, make Zarin join, drew up a minute of the break (or the number of votes pro and contra), and issue a local leaflet on the causes of the split (or divergence). There is no sense in publishing the statement without such official documents about each of your steps. Be sure to put on record each step of the Rabocheye Dyelo supporters and of yours against them, and do not yield one iota. They must be shown up as being against the Organising Committee, whilst you are for it. It is on the basis of recognition (or non-recognition) of the Organising Committee that decisive battle should promptly be given everywhere; convey this most insistently to Zarin and his immediate Genossen.

And so, let Zarin display redoubled energy and fight for Kiev—that is his prime duty.

The literature is in Russia and should soon be in your hands. You must send not less than two poods to our people in St. Petersburg, without fail.

  1. This refers to the capture of the Kiev Committee by the Economists, supporters of Rabocheye Dyelo.—Ed.