Letter to Comrade Lacroix, March 25, 1933

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Dear Comrade Lacroix:

My correspondence with Comrade Nin had a political character, not a personal one. Since the same disagreements were repeated at each new stage, I considered it necessary to make available the most important extracts from my correspondence with Nin to all the members of the Spanish section. Without the formation of an educated collective opinion in the Marxist method, no progress will be possible in the Spanish section.

I did not publish this correspondence for the purpose of helping one group against another, much less when you used the same ideas and methods that I have criticized in Comrade Nin. The struggle of your two groups has taken on a sharp and venomous personal character. It is inexcusable, and cannot be discussed normally except by linking today's differences with yesterday's on the basis of Marxist methodology. On this basis, and only on this basis, I would be very pleased to collaborate with you, as well as with Comrade Nin. My best communist greetings.