Letter to Camille Huysmans, December 22, 1912

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Cracow, December 22, 11912

Dear Citizen,

I could not understand your letter of 5. XII. 1912.[1] Either there is some misunderstanding or else there exists a resolution of the Bureau unknown to me.

Le Peuple (Brussels) wrote: “As regards representation of the Russian socialist parties in the Bureau, the situation remains unchanged” (Le Peuple, 30. XI. 1912). Is there another resolution of the Bureau? If so, I trust you will be kind enough to inform me of it.

If not, the Central Committee of our Party has the right to appoint its own representative.

Why is this “only temporary”? Of course a new decision of the Bureau is always possible, but in this sense any representation is “temporary”.

Is there a Bureau resolution to the effect that both Russian Social-Democratic “factions” (?) (the January and August conferences of 1912?) are requested to come to an agreement on the question of representation in the Bureau?

I shall be much obliged if you would inform me of that resolution and the documents (if any) received from the “Organising Committee” of the liquidators.

With fraternal greetings,

N. Lenin[2]

  1. Camille Huysmans wrote Lenin on December 5 (N. S.), 1912, that he considered the replacement of the representative of the RSDLP in the I.S.B. a temporary expedient, and that the final decision on representation could be taken after agreement had been reached between Lenin “and the other Social-Democratic faction” (i. e., the liquidators).
  2. The original contains the following crossed-out text, written by Lenin and addressed, evidently, to I. F. Popov:
    “Return after reading (and give me your opinion; incidentally, the Frenchman will perhaps correct the language) as soon as possible and be sure to return Huysmans’s letter.
    “H –s wants to arrange everything informally. We shall not permit him to do it.”—Ed.