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Letter to Arne Swabeck, October 20, 1932
Author(s) | Leon Trotsky |
Written | 20 October 1932 |
A Duty to Speak
Dear Comrade Swabeck:
I will try to send you the greeting for the fourth anniversary of The Militant.
A Danish Social Democratic student organization has approached me with the suggestion that I give a “scientific” lecture on the Russian Revolution. Naturally I responded immediately in the affirmative, and they acquired a visa for me from their government. If I overcome the transportation and other difficulties, I will go to Copenhagen. The Stalinist press, of course, will scream about my being a “comrade-in-arms” of the Social Democracy. We have to take these political expenses into the bargain. It does not need to be proved that a Communist who has the opportunity to speak before a Social Democratic audience is duty bound to exploit that opportunity. It is clear that among the Social Democratic students a certain theoretical interest in the Russian Revolution plays a role — perhaps also a personal curiosity about the lecturer. Not to exploit this would be stupid. I inform you of this for your possible orientation.
With best greetings.
L. Trotsky