Letter to Alexander Potresov, January 1, 1903

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1/I. 03

We do not have the rest of the pamphlets (of those you asked for), could not find them.

Return the “Young Revolutionary” manuscript after showing it to Plekhanov (or even without showing it to him).

Could you write a paragraph, article or feuilleton for Iskra on the 25th anniversary of the death of Nekrasov? It would be a good thing to print something. Write whether you will do it.

As regards Bonch, the letter and the 19 manuscripts from Zhizn he has sent here largely meet my wishes. It was just this kind of formal move and by no means a “renunciation” (“renunciation” of what??) that I suggested we should strive for without considering it a conditio sine qua.

(But Posse’s intriguing should have been brought out into the open, and it was precisely against Posse and not against Bonch that I advised persuading Bonch to take a direct step while provoking Posse to do likewise.)

Best regards....

I have no faith in the transport channels of Zhizn. We need money badly, of course, and if it were possible to get a large sum, many concessions (not to speak of promises) could be made for the sake of this. But precisely “for the sake of this” and “for it”..