Letter to Albert Goldman, July 17, 1940

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The GPU and the Comintern

Dear Friend:

The archives are leaving [for Harvard] this morning on the train. We are informing Mr. Metcalf likewise about the matter.

The deposition of Joseph Zack would be of tremendous importance. Please arrange it in the form of an affidavit. It is necessary that in the text of this document, Joseph Zack present himself as a former prominent member of the Comintern and so on.

My thesis is that all the most intimate functions of the Comintern have passed during the last period into the hands of the GPU. Can Joseph Zack say anything on this particular point from his own experiences?

Would it not be possible to obtain a similar affidavit from Benjamin Gitlow? from Krivitsky? from Eugene Lyons?

During the years 1929-30-31 the Comintern published financial accounts in which subventions to the Comintern press played an important role. We have here this account for the three years mentioned above. Would it be possible to obtain copies of such accounts published for later years? Is there any information available about the financial beginning of the New Masses?

Warmest greetings,