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 Texts mentioning SFIOAuthor·sDate
 The War and the International (The Bolsheviks and World Peace)Leon TrotskyJan 1914
 Open Letter to Jules Guesde, October 11, 1916Leon TrotskyOct 1916
 In Paris (1919)Leon TrotskyMar 1919
 A Letter to Our French ComradesLeon TrotskySep 1919
 On the Coming Congress of the CominternLeon TrotskyJul 1920
 The Contradictions of the Soviet PolicyLeon TrotskyNov 1922
 Letter to Jan Frankel, November 26, 1933Leon TrotskyNov 1933
 Letter to Yvan Craipeau, July 12, 1934Leon TrotskyJul 1934
 Supplementary Arguments and Suggestions for ArticlesLeon TrotskyJul 1934
 The Way Out (1934)Leon TrotskyAug 1934
 On the Theses "Unity and the Youth"Leon TrotskyAug 1934
 Summary of the Discussion, August 6, 1934Leon TrotskyAug 1934
 Whither France? (1934)Leon TrotskyNov 1934
 Letter to Frangin, November 20, 1934Leon TrotskyNov 1934
 Notes on the GBL’s Internal ProblemsLeon TrotskyJan 1935
 Once Again, Whither France?Leon TrotskyMar 1935
 Notes on the SAP and the London-Amsterdam BureauLeon TrotskyApr 1935
 The Situation in France and the Tasks of the Bolshevik-Leninist Group of the SFIOLeon TrotskyApr 1935
 Letter to the International Secretariat, June 10, 1935Leon TrotskyJun 1935
 An Open Letter to the French WorkersLeon TrotskyJun 1935
 â€œLabels” and “Numbers”Leon TrotskyAug 1935
 Committees of Action – Not Peoples FrontLeon TrotskyNov 1935
 Whither France?Leon TrotskyJan 1936
 France at the Turning PointLeon TrotskyMar 1936
 France at the CrossroadsLeon TrotskyMar 1936
 The Decisive StageLeon TrotskyJun 1936
 The French Revolution Has Begun!Leon TrotskyJun 1936
 Revolutionary Interlude in FranceLeon TrotskyJul 1936
 The Decisive Hour in FranceLeon TrotskyDec 1938
 Letter to the POI Central Committee, February 14, 1939Leon TrotskyFeb 1939