Greetings to a Glorious Division!

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Telegram to the 16th (Kikvidze) Division

I greet a very old and glorious division of the Red Army on its fourth anniversary. On the fields of the Ukraine, the Don region and Poland is its history written. The heroic spirit of its father and leader, Kikvidze, hovered over it in its hours of severest trial. Young warriors of the 16th Division, be worthy of your elders, take inspiration from the behests of Kikvidze![1]

  1. The Sixth Division, subsequently called the Kikvidze Division, was formed on May 16, 1918 under the leadership of Comrade Kikvidze. This division performed many feats of arms. It fought against Petlyura, against the Germans, and against Krasnov’s troops. The divisional commander, Comrade Kikvidze, was killed on January 11, 1919, near Zubriovo hamlet, in the Don region. Thenceforth, the division was called, in honour of its commander, the Kikvidze Division. After Comrade Kikvidze’s death the division continued to take part, with success, in the fighting on the Southern Front. The division retained its fighting power during Denikin’s offensive. In the battles of autumn 1919 it defeated large enemy units near Davydovka, Lugansk, Liski and elsewhere. In the winter of 1919-1920 it fought the enemy at Bataisk and Olginsk. On March 2, 1920 the division captured Bataisk. During Denikin’s retreat, a brigade of this division was the first to enter Novorossiisk, for which it was decorated with the Order of the Red Banner. In May 1920 the division was transferred to the Western Front: it took part in the breakthrough on the Polish front in July 1920 and in the march on Warsaw. The peace with Poland found the division in the Minsk area.