Draft Decision for the CPC on the Question of Supplying the Workers with Clothes and Footwear

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On December 23, 1919, the Narrow Council of People’s Commissars examined the question of supplying the workers with cloathes and footwear. It decided to use for this purpose part of the stocks reserved for the Red Army, but in a manner that would not be detrimental to the army. At the end of December the Central Army Supply Administration was to have issued to the Food Commissariat from army stores 30,000 pairs of leather boots, while the SEC undertook to deliver to the Food Commissariat every fortnight 20 per cent of all the boots manufactured in the country.

Apparently this decision of the Narrow Council met with objection on the part of the Presidium of the S.E.C, as a result of which the CPC passed a decision based on this draft of Lenin’s.

The Narrow Council to be instructed immediately, but not later than Saturday,[1] to revise its decision, leaving its basic and general parts intact, but changing the figures of issue to the workers in accordance with the new military plans of army increase Comrade Rykov to issue an exactly worded mandate to his representative and only be is to be admitted.[2]

  1. January 3, 1920.—Ed.
  2. This motion was adopted by the CPC in the following wording “Comrade Rykov shall give an exact mandate to his represeatative for all meetings on the question of working clothes and delegate only him.”
    The question was examined a second time by the Narrow Council on January 3, 1920, this time in the presence of Chairman of the SEC A. I. Rykov, who was ordered to supply monthly to the Food Commissariat’s agencies, as from January 1, 1920, not less than 40,000 pairs of men’s working boots, not counting clogs, bast sandals and felt boots.