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Convocation to the International Workers' Congress of 1889 (Possibilist)
Published: in Justice, April 13th 1889, p. 3;
To all the Trade Unions, Trade Societies, Socialist Bodies, Groups, &c., both French and Foreign.
Dear Citizens,—
The International Conference of Paris of 1886, and the International Congress of London of 1888, decided that an International Congress should take place in Paris in 1889, and that the French Workmen's Party should be entrusted with its organisation.
With full respect for these decisions, the National Committee of the Workmen's Party has commenced this work, and has already issued circulars.
Numerous adhesions have been received. Nearly all the trade unions of Paris have formed part of the Labour Exchange, and they have taken the initiative of an appeal to all the trade societies.
From all parts of France, England. Denmark. Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and the United States numerous adhesions have reached us. It may already be said that the success of the International Congress is assured.
The National Committee has adopted the following resolutions which we beg you to communicate to the workers in your district:—
- The Congress will be held in Paris during the latter part of July.
- Will be admitted all groups, clubs, and trade societies whose object it is to defend the interests of the workers, secure their emancipation, and which are able to prove that they existed in 1888.
- The delegates of each nationality being better able to control the existence of groups in their own country, will be requested to verify the credentials and establish their validity, except in special cases which will be submitted to the Congress.
- The delegates of countries where the workers suffer from a political regime of despotism, will not be compelled to undergo any formality either with regard to their adhesion or for the verification of their credentials, which can in any way be injurious to them. They are only recommended to provide themselves with such proofs as may morally establish the validity of their delegation. Their good faith will be the best guarantee.
- The votes will be taken by nationality.
- [Sic. There is no 6. MIA] The resolutions must be sent in before the opening of the Congress, so that they may be properly studied and seriously discussed.
The agenda so far contains the following questions:
- International labour legislation, regulation by law of the working day, day work, night work, holidays, work of adult males, of women, and of children. The inspection of large and small factories and workshops, and also of domestic workshops. Ways and means by which to obtain such reforms.
- What are the moot practical means to employ so as to establish constant relations between the working class organisations of all countries, without thereby infringing upon their autonomy.
The trade unions, clubs, or Socialist organisations, who desire to modify or make additions to the above agenda are requested to communicate the same to the National Committee before the 31st of May.
Thus, early in June, the National Committee will forward to all who have adhered to the Congress a complete and definite agenda paper, which will be the outcome of communications received from all countries.
Adhesions to the Congress should contain the following information:—
- Date of the foundation of the society.
- Number of members.
- Signatures of the chairman, secretary, and some members of the committee.
With each adhesion should be forwarded the sum of five francs (four shillings) for entrance fee for each delegate, P.O.O.'s being made payable to Citizen Delacour. Treasurer of the National Committee, 58, Rue Greneta, Paris.
A final circular will give:
- The full and complete agenda.
- Details with respect to the organisation of the Congress.
- Information concerning lodgings and board for the delegates.
We look forward with hope to receiving your adhesion, and we beg you, citizens and comrades of countries, to accept our fraternal salutations.
The Secretary of the National Committee for French correspondence, A LAVY.
The Secretary of the National Committee for Foreign Relations, R. ANDRE GELY.
The Treasurer, A. DELACOUR.
N.B—All communications and correspondence should be addressed to the offices of the National Committee, 58, Rue Greneta, Paris.