To the Editors of the Gazzettino Rosa. Covering Letter to the "Declaration of the General Council on Nechayev's Misuse of the Name of the International Working Men's Association

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In the trial, known by the name of Nechayev, conducted several months ago before the Court of Assizes of St. Petersburg, a number of assertions relating to the International Working Men’s Association were made, assertions which naturally attracted the attention of the Conference of Delegates of this Association in session in London.

The Conference consequendy took the following decision, ordering it to be published in the organs of the International.[1]

London, October 20, 1871

Certified copy

Frederick Engels,

Secretary for Italy

  1. This is followed by the text of the "Declaration of the General Council on Nechayev's Misuse of the Name of the International Working Men's Association" in Engels' translation (see p. 23 of this volume).— Ed.