Suggest Volunteers to Aid Dominicans

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Transcriber’s note: This article appeared in World Outlook published by Pierre Frank, Joseph Hansen and Reba Hansen, sympathizers of the United Secretarial of the Fourth International.

A plan under discussion in California university circles to send volunteers to help the Constitutionalists against the counter- revolutionists and the invading U.S. forces, was reported in the May 23 Los Angeles Times.

In a dispatch from Berkeley, the Los Angeles daily quoted Timothy F. Harding, an assistant professor at California State College in Los

Angeles, as stating that the purpose of the plan was “to make it known that there are Americans who feel differently from the

U.S. government.”

The plan would be launched by sending four students. If they needed, help, it might be possible to arrange to send more.

The group has already begun to collect blood for the Constitutionalists.

This is sent through a contact at the United Nations.

A member of the Committee to End the War in Vietnam, Harding was in Berkeley as a participant in a Vietnam teach-in protest.

We are completely an ad hoc group,” he told the special correspondent of the Times. “I am not a Communist, not a Socialist, and, to the best of my knowledge, neither is anybody else I am working with.”

Harding is a specialist in Latin-American assistant editor of Hispanic American Report. A recent study of his on the background of the rightist coup in Brazil appeared in the Fall 1964 issue of Studies on the Left.