Letter to Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova, June 11, 1901

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June 11, 1901

Dear Maria Alexandrovna,

I have not written all this time because at first I relied on Anynta to describe our way of life and alter that Mother and Volodya wrote to you. We are all quite well, and Volodya shows no sign of catarrh. Mother is also keeping well. She finds life with us very monotonous, but I do not. It is true that Voiodya arid I are terrible homebirds. So for I have been to only one picture gallery and know practically nothing about the town. That is partly because it is summer and when we go for walks we go out in the country, not to town. We are living in a suburb where we have the conveniences of a big cityshops, trains, etc-combined with the proximity of the country. Yesterday, for instance, we went for a good walk along the road. It is a marvellous road lined with poplars and with fields and orchards on all sides. We have been for only one long ride and that was not a success—we got caught in a storm arid came hone very tired. We are thinking of going to the mountains some time. Aaynta kept advising us to move to a village for the summer. Mother, too, thinks it would be better, but for many reasons it would be inconvenient. We cannot move too far because Volodya would have to travel to town every day. and that would be too siring. Apart from that he goes to the library fairly often. There is a park and a place to bathe not far from us—about twenty minutes’ walk, In general life here is gradually beginning to conform to a pattern and Volodya is getting along better with his work …. As far as I am concerned, well, I work very little so far, or, to tell the truth, I do not work at all. Time passes, but where it goes I just don’t know.

I intend to visit the local school, This place is a sort of child’s kingdom. Everybody pays so much attention to them and the children are so nice and healthy. I have been in our city schools and cannot help drawing comparisons; I find that the children here live a lot better. My intentions will probably remain only intentions. Still I have plenty of time. Vodovozova has sent a cheque for six hundred odd marks, but I have not yet received the money or any letter. Altogether people in Russia write terribly little to us, we might well think that all our old friends have forgotten our existence. There has not been a whisper either from Zina or Bnzil …. Nor do we know whether Gleb has left that Taiga of his …. Row are you getting on, dear Maria Alexandroyna? Are you keeping well? Give D.I. my regards.

A letter for Manyasha is enclosed,[The letter has been lost.—Editor] and give M.T. my regards. Is there anything new? Is anything more known?

Our people all send regards and I send many kisses.



P.S. Volodya asks D.I. to send three copies of The Development of Capilalism to the doctor.