Letter to Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova, April 10, 1913

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Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova,

Yekaterininsko-Dvoryanskaya, 40,



Dear Manyasha,

I congratulate you and send you many kisses. Lidya will stay on at the old place until May because Anna Mikhailovna and Lodik[This refers to A. M. Wrzosek (Basins) and her son.—Editor.] have come to her. She has been getting ill rather often recently. We are moving to the country for five months; it’s lovely there-forest, mushrooms, mountains, and a stream. All I am afraid of is that we shall get bored. It will be good to put Shkurka out to graze. There is a big verandah attached to the house, just right for him to sit and work. It is a huge house, big enough for a whole workshop, but for the time being Shkurka and I will be alone there because Mother is going to Russia for a couple of months. She also sends her congratulations. I am dreaming of being able to work a little in summer, for although I sit over my books I don’t do any reading at all, and I am really terribly anxious to get down to work. This month will be wasted. I am up to my neck in day-to-day affairs and on top of all that it has been discovered that I have thyroid trouble. The doctor has frightened me and every day I go to the clinic for electrical treatment; that takes three hours and after it I wander about half the day like a lunatic. They feed me bromide and, in general, it is all terribly sickening. I intend writing you a long letter but somehow time gets frittered away.

Many kisses,

