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Letter to Anna Ulyanova, March 2, 1912
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1977, Moscow, Volume 37, pages 612-613
March 9
Dear Anya,
This year I have somehow fought shy of letter-writing. Life goes on so monotonously here that I don’t know what to write about. This winter I have been at home working persistently and for months on end have not left this part of the town. It has been raining all the time and I could not go cycling or walking. I have read little and have not been to any lectures. That is probably why I got so fed up with the winter. I am glad that spring has come, it is very early this year. Volodya and I have already been out in the country a couple of times. It is true that after these excursions I was so tired I couldn’t budge, but it was wonderful, all the same. This week has been all going out,We went to the theatre, the play was idiotic, but these French fairly yelled their heads off. Still, there was some wonderful music during the entr’actes—Chaikovsky, Rinsky-Korsakov, Borodin. Today we are going to see Sophodes’ Electra…. And all this because it is spring. 110w you have been spoiling us this year with parcelsl Because of this Volodya has even learned to help himself from the larder and eats out of turn, i.e., not at the proper times. Whenever he comes in, he starts eating. Now he drinks milk before going to bed (instead of wine) and eats eggs in the mornings. I soaked the herring as you told me and they are very nice, like salmon. I am thinking of making pancakes soon.
Mother is not feeling very well. I don’t know what she will do in summer. First she wants to go to Russia, then she doesn’t want to. She asks me to send her regards to all.
I have written about my niece.
We very rarely see M. F., he is very busy. He is in a hurry to finish a translation (this year he has translated three thick books), and has now been given some regular medical translation work. Koiya[M. F. Vladimirsky’s son—Editor. ] is very pleased with his school, they play the gramophone to the children, tell them stories, give them crosses and teach them to write pothooks. He is beginning to chatter in French.
That is all the news. Has Manyasha received my letter? Why has she not written for so long?
I embrace you and Maria Aloxandrovna fondly, Manyasha too.
I should like to write more about Volodya to make the letter interesting, but couldn’t manage It. Another time, perhaps. Regards to M.T. Somehow you all write very rarely.