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Special pages :
Engels, Frederick
Author(s) | Frederick Engels |
Written | 22 May 1891 |
Printed according to the dictionary
Published in English for the first time in Marx-Engels Collected Works, Volume 27
As is clear from the letter sent to Engels on May 22, 1891 by Ludwig Elster, editor of the Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, which carried Engelsâ biography and a list of his works (Vol. 3, 1892), Engels had himself looked through the text of the biography.
In the preparation of the bibliography of this volume, some of the publication dates of Engelsâ works have been corrected.
Born in Barmen on November 28, 1820. Took up commerce and worked as an office clerk from 1837 to 1841, first in Barmen and from 1838 in Bremen. After serving for a year as an army volunteer (1841-42), he joined his fatherâs business in Manchester in 1843, staying there until 1844. From 1845 to 1848 he lived in Brussels (with K. Marx) and, alternately, in Paris; from 1848 to May 1849 he worked for the Neue Rheinische Zeitung in Cologne. In June and July of that year he took part in the uprising in South Germany as an aide-de-camp in Willichâs volunteer corps. Then he went to London for a short time and, in 1850, rejoined his fatherâs concern in Manchester, working first as a clerk and, from 1864, as a joint proprietor. In 1869 he retired from business for good. He has lived in London since 1870.
Of his works we shall mention the following:
âUmrisse zu einer Kritik der National-ökonomie â(in DeutschFranzösische Jahrbucher, published by RĂŒge and Marx, Paris, 1844 (Issues 1 and 2), pp. 86-114; reprinted in Die Neue Zeit, IX Jahrgang 1890/91, Bd. I, p. 236 et seq.).
(Jointly wit h Karl Marx.) Die Heilige Familie oder Kritik der kritischen Kritik. Gegen Bruno Bauer und Konsorten, F. E. und K. M. Frankfurt a. M., 1845.
Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England, Leipzig, 1845 (English translation, New York, 1887).
(Jointly with Karl Marx, anonymously.) Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei, London, 1848 (also in French, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Russian, Polish, English).
(Worked as coeditor, editor-in-chief respectively (substituting Marx) in Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 1848-1849 in Cologne and in Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Revue, 1850 in London.)
(Anonymously.) Po und Rhein, Berlin, 1859 .
(Anonymously.) Savoyen, Nizza und der Rhein, Berlin, 1860.
âDie Preussische MilitĂ€rfrage und die deutsche Arbeiterparteiâ, Hamburg, 1865.
Der deutsche Bauerkrieg. (Reprinted from Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Revue.) Leipzig, three editions, the latest of 1875.
Zur Wohnungsfrage. Three issues, 1st edition, Leipzig, 1872, 2nd edition, Zurich, 1887.
Soziales aus Russland, Leipzig, 1875.
(Anonymously.) Preussische Schnaps in Deutschen Reichstag, Leip -zig, 1876.
Die Bakunisten an der Arbeit. Denkschrift ĂŒber den Aufstand in Spanien, Leipzig, 1873.
Herrn Eugen DĂŒhringâs UmwĂ€lzung der Wissenschaft, 1st edition, Leipzig, 1878, 2nd edition, Zurich, 1886.
Die Entwicklung des Sozialismus von der Utopie zur Wissenschaft, 1st, 2nd, 3rd editions, Zurich, 1883, 4th edition, prepared for publication, Berlin, 1891 (also in French, Russian, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Dutch, Danish).
Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigentums und des Staats. Im Anschluss an Lewis H. Morganâs Forschungen, Zurich, 1884, 3rd edition, Stuttgart, 1889 (also in Italian, Romanian, Danish; French edition under preparation).
Ludwig Feuerbach und der Ausgang der klassischen deutschen Philosophie, Stuttgart, 1888.
âDie auswĂ€rtige Politik des russischen Zarenthums â(in Die Neue Zeit, VIII Jahrgang, 1889/90, Bd. II; also in Russian, English, French, Romanian).
Ueber den BĂŒrgerkrieg in Frankreich (in Die Neue Zeit, IX Jahrgang, 1890/91, Bd. II, p. 33 et seqq.).
In Sachen Brentano contra Marx wegen angeblicher ZitatsfÀlschung. GeschichtserzÀlung und Dokumente, Hamburg, 1891.
Besides he prepared for publication the following works to which he wrote introductions and prefaces;
I. In German:
K. Marx. âDas Kapitalâ. Vol. I, 3rd edition, 1883; 4th edition, 1890 (Preface about Brentano). Also, Vol. II (Preface about Rodbertus), 1885.
K. Marx. Das Elend der Philosophic Deutsch von Bernstein und Kautsky. Stuttgart, 1885 (Preface about Rodbertus).
K. Marx. Vor den Kölner Geschwornen. 1849, Zurich, 1885 (Preface).
K. Marx. EnthĂŒllungen ĂŒber den Kommunisten-Prozess zu Köln. 1852, Zurich, 1885 (Introduction: âZur Geschichte des âBundes der Kommunistenâ â).
W. Wolf. Die Schlesische Milliarde. Zurich, 1886. (Introduction: Biography of Wolf and âZur Geschichte der preussischen Bauernâ).
S. Borkheim. Zur Erinnerung fĂŒr die deutschen Mordspatrioten. Zurich, 1888 (Introduction: Biography of Borkheim).
K. Marx. Lohnarbeit und Kapital (Introduction). Berlin, 1891.
II. In English:
K. Marx. Capital. Translated by S. Moore & E. Aveling, published by F. Engels, London, 1887 (edited translation and wrote a preface).
K. Marx. âFree Tradeâ. A Speech delivered in Brussels in 1848. Translated by F. Kelly-Wischnewetzky, Boston and London, 1888 (Introduction on Free Trade, published in German in Die Neue Zeit).
F. Engels. The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844. Translated by F. K. Wischnewetzky. New York, 1887 (Preface and Appendix, the latter was published also as a separate edition: âThe Working Class Movement in Americaâ; in German: âDie Arbeiterbewegung in Amerikaâ, New York, 1887; reprinted in English, London, 1887. In German also in Die Neue Zeit).