Annexe : Liste des sources citées

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Engels utilisa ses articles de La Revue des Deux-Mondes qui forment la base de l'ouvrage de Faucher.

GASKELL , Peter : The Manufacturing Population of England (Londres, 1833).

KAY J. P. (plus tard KAY-SHUTTLEWORTH) : The Moral and Physical Conditions of the Working Classes employed in the Cotton Manufacture in Manchester (I° édit., 1832; 2e édit., 1832). Engels utilisa la seconde édition.

LEACH , James : Stubborn Facts from the Factories by a Manchester Operative, publié par W. Rashleigh, M. P. (Londres, 1844). Parut anonymement.

McCULLOCH , J. R. : A Statistical Account of the British Empire (Londres, 1837).

MALTHUS , T. R. : An Essay on the Principles of Population (Londres, 2e édit., 1803).

OASTLER , Richard : The Fleet Papers (4 vol., Londres, 1841-44)

PARKINSON , R. : On the Present Condition of the Labouring Poor in Manchester (Londres et Manchester, 3° édit., 1841)

PORTER , G. R. : The Progress of the Nation (3 vol., Londres, 1836-43).

SENIOR , Nassau William : Letters on the Factory Act (Londres, 1837).

SMITH , Adam : An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (édité par J. R. McCulloch, 4 vol., 1828).

STIRNER , Max Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum (Leipzig, 1845)

STRAUSS , D. F. Vie de Jésus (édit. allemande, 1835-36).

SYMONS , J. C. : Arts and Artisans at Home and Abroad (Edimbourg et Londres, 1839).

URE , Andrew : The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain (2 vol., Londres, 1835); The Philosophy of Manufactures (2° édit., Londres, 1837).

VAUGHAN , Robert : The Age of Great Cities (Londres, 1842)­

WADE , John : History of the Middle and Working Classes (Londres, 3° édit. 1835).

WAKEFIELD , Edward Gibbon : Swing unmasked, or the Causes of Rural Incendiarism (Londres, 1831).

Journaux et périodiques[modifier le wikicode]


Durham Chronicle.

Edinburgh Medical and Surgical journal, vol. 14 (1818).

Halifax Guardian.

Illuminated Magazine.

Journal of the Statistical Society of London, vol. 2 (1839), 3 (1840) et 7 (1844)

Leeds Mercury.

Liverpool Mercury.

Manchester Guardian.

Miner's Advocate (Newcastle-upon-Tyne).

Mining journal.

Morning Chronicle.

Northern Star (Leeds).

North of England Medical and Surgical journal.

The Sun.

The Times.

Weekly Dispatch.

Publications officielles[modifier le wikicode]

1831-32. -Report of Select Committee on Factory Children's Labour .

1833 - Factories inquiry Commission; Report of the Central Board of Her Majesty's Commissioners appointed to collect Information in the Manufacturing Districts as to the Employment of Children in Factories . First Report, June 1833; second Report, July 1833. June 1833; second Report, July 1833.

1833. - Extracts from the Information received by His Majesty's Commissioners, as to the Administration and Operation of the Poor-Laws (1833).

1836. - Third Report of the Commissioners appointed or to Inquire into the condition of the poorer classes in Ireland, and into the various institutions at present established for their relief .

1842. - Report to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department from the Poor-Law Commissioners on an Inquiry into the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain (by Edwin CHADWICK).

1842-43. - Report of Commission Inquiry into the Employment of Children and Young Persons in Mines and Collieries and in Trades and Manufactures in wich numbers of them work together . First Report 1842; second Report, 1843.

1843. - Reports of Special Assistant Poor Law Commissioners on the Employment of Women and Children in Agriculture .

1844. - Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring into the state of Large Towns . First Report (2 vol., 1844).

1844. - Reports of the Inspectors of Factories... for the Hall Year ending December 31. 1843 (1844)