Draft Plan for Section III of the Manifesto of the Communist Party

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The draft plan is written on the cover of Marx's notebook containing the manuscript "Wages" (see this volume, pp. 415-37) and dated "Brussels, December 1847".

First draft

1) <Critique>[1] Critical Utopian Systems (Communist). 2)

Second draft

1) Reactionary socialism, feudal, religious petty bourgeois.

2) Bourgeois socialism.

3) German philosophical socialism.[2]

4) Critical Utopian systems of literature. Owen, Cabet, Weitling, Fourier, St. Simon, Babeuf.

5) Direct party literature.

6) Communist literature.[3]

  1. This word is struck out in the manuscript.—Ed.
  2. Marx added this point in the left-hand margin and accordingly altered the original numbering from 3 to 4, 4 to 5, 5 to 6
  3. In the final version of the Communist Manifesto points 5 and 6 were not elaborated.