To the Presiding Committee of The First Congress of Soviets of the Don Republic

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The First Congress of Soviets of the Don Republic, which pro-claimed itself the supreme Soviet authority on the Don, was held on April 9-12, 1918. It was attended by 750 delegates. Lenin was elected honorary chairman. The resolution referred to by Lenin was adopted on April 12 by an overwhelming majority, the Mensneviks’ motion receiving only 2 votes. The congress approved the Soviet Government’s peaceful policy and stressed in the reso-lution that it regarded the Don Republic as part of the R.S. F.S.R. and considered it its chief task to work for the rehabilitation of the national economy and the creation of a Red Army. The congress declared the working Cossacks’ readiness to defend Soviet power.


With all my heart I greet the first Congress of Soviets of the Don Republic.

In particular I heartily subscribe to the words of the resolution concerning the necessity for carrying through to victory the mounting struggle against the kulak elements of Cossackdom in the Don region. These words contain an accurate definition of the tasks of the revolution. This is the kind of struggle that now faces us throughout Russia.
