Note to Joseph Stalin with a Draft Telegram to Georgy Chicherin, April 21, 1922

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This telegram of Lenin’s sent to Genoa on April 21, 1922, was in reply to G. V. Chicherin’s telegram of April 20, objecting to Lenin’s assessment of the situation at the conference and saying that it, was “in fact mainly Lloyd George himself who had an interest” in the question of compensating foreigners for the losses arising from the nationalisation of their property, “because pressure was being brought to bear on him by the almighty British sharks” (Central Party Archives of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the CPSU Central Committee).

Comrade Stalin

Please have the following telegram of mine sent to Chicherin, if the Politbureau members have no objection.

“To Comrade Chicherin

“I have never had any doubts that Lloyd George is acting under the pressure of British sharks and that. Britain will not stay on without France, but I think that this should not alter our policy in the slightest, and that we should not be afraid of the conference breaking up. We cannot accept recognition of the private debts under any circumstances. I think I know the actual situation.
