Markings on P. V. Bukhartsev's Telegram Concerning the Agreement with the American Corporation, and an Instruction to the Secretary, June 19, 1920

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The instruction was written on a telegram dated June 18, 1920, from the North Caucasus Branch of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Trade setting forth the terms of a draft agreement between the Branch and representatives of the American corporation. On the telegram are markings end underlinings made by Lenin.

In the course of the next 36 hours, sanction the agreement with the representative of the American Corporation, which has the backing of America....

... Orders, with delivery within 20 days, for twine, machinery, technical equipment; not later than three months— no less than 200 locomotives with tank-cars, trucks, etc. Principal points of agreement: the Corporation, on orders from the agent, undertakes in exchange for raw materials to supply from abroad miscellaneous commodities, materials, machinery, instruments, medicaments, etc., excepting munitions; perfumery and luxury goods, with delivery at one of the Black Sea ports, as indicated by the agent. Second, for the supply of goods the agent pays the Corporation in raw materials....

... Besides the sums indicated in point 2, the agent pays the Corporation in raw materials also a commission amounting to ten per cent of the value of the goods supplied.

too much!

Fourth, the raw materials: tobacco, wool, oilcakes, etc., delivered by the agent in exchange for the goods supplied, are valued at the prices ruling on the world market at the time of delivery....


1) Telephone Lezhava (and Scheinman, if he is still here) and the members of the Politbureau.

2) In principle I am for it: (a) bargain: reduce the commission charges; (b) stipulate precisely: after delivery of their goods, delivery of ours or exchange at our port. No other way.



  1. ↑ Below, in Lenin’s handwriting, is “+ Kamenev”.—Ed.