Letter to the National Committee Workers Party of the US, August 13, 1935

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An Appeal to Oehlerite Comrades

To the National Committee Workers Party of the U.S.

Dear Comrades:

I send you herewith a copy of Revolution — which indeed breathes the very spirit of revolution. You will note that the Executive Committee of the Young Socialists of the Seine, expelled from the [Socialist] party, retains the support not only of Paris but of other sections of the country. You will see that it remains altogether faithful to our banner and that it is carrying on a vigorous campaign against social patriotism and class collaboration.

This little issue (a special edition), devoted to the revolt at Toulon, Brest, and le Havre, was ordered seized by the police. But five thousand copies were distributed and the police succeeded in getting only two. Our Bolshevik-Leninist Group put up posters in Paris for a general strike and against the “sacred union.” These posters were tom down simultaneously and systematically by Stalinists, fascists, and police.

I hope that you will republish in the New Militant or Young Spartacus [the parts] which I have marked with red pencil. I also call your attention to the articles on page 2 — “The Entente Continues” and “To Members of the CP.” I ask you to show this paper to every comrade who declares his solidarity with Oehler. I would then like to see if he continues to accuse our French comrades of capitulation and treason.

Oehlerite comrades! Carry out a turn of 180 degrees in your attitude on the French question! Get to work to tell the American workers of the courage and devotion with which the Bolshevik-Leninists of France are conducting their struggle. We will gladly forget unmerited reproaches and false accusations. You will again find your place of combat in our international ranks. But if you persist in your completely untenable attitude, you will be lost for a long time to come for the revolutionary movement.


Leon Trotsky