Letter to Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova, Between April 19 and 23, 1908

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Dear Manyasha,

I hope that by now you will be able to read this yourself and are almost well again. Your illness has dragged on a disgustingly long time! The main thing, however, is not to have a relapse. The most dangerous thing after that disease is fatigue or nervous excitement. Now would be the time to send you to Stjernsund![1] When you have completely recovered, drop me a line. I am going to Italy[2] for a week or so. I shall write when I get back.

Love and kisses and get well soon.


V. Ulyanov

  1. See Letters Nos. 155 and 156.—Ed.
  2. The manuscript of this “separate sheet” has been lost. The footnote concerned Erich Becher’s Philosophische Voraussetzungen der exakten Naturwissenschaften. Lpz., 1907, which, as Lenin said in the note, he read only after he had finished writing the book (see Collected Works, Vol. 14, p. 290).