Letter to I. E. Herman and I. Rudis-Gipslis, January 7, 1914

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7/I. 1914

Dear Comrades,

I have just received information from our representative in Brussels, Popov (Jean Popoff, rue du Beffroi. 2. A. Bruxelles), that the congress will be held there (or near there) “not later than within a week” (written 4 or 5.I).

The task now is to try and rally the Bolsheviks. You have committed a gigantic mistake in not making arrangements for correspondence (this can be safely done abroad) with your travelling Bolshevik. Try immediately to rectify this mistake by sending a letter at once to this Bolshevik—in two envelopes, addressed to Popov, with the inner envelope inscribed in Lettish: personal, for so-and-so.

Popov will find him and hand over the letter personally. In this letter you should (1) fully recommend Popov (I vouch for him) (and give (N.B.) Popov’s Brussels (N.B.) address) and (2) ask that the Lettish Bolshevik should immediately give you a detailed account of everything (directly or through Popov), particularly of the make-up (1. How many liquidators? 2. How many Bolsheviks? 3. How many Braunists,[1] etc., and of the plans of every group in detail).

I enclose a note for Popov, to whom you will write in Russian.

Give me the exact name of the pub, the street and house number and the exact hour of the rendezvous.

P.S. Am I to wire you or Herman or both of you?

I have learned the timetable. It will be most convenient for me to leave here early in the morning. I shall be in Berlin at 4.40 Nachmittag and leave at 9.34 Abends from Friedrichstraßenbahnhof. Make an appointment at once for us to meet (I must meet both you and Herman), giving the hour (7–8--8 1/2 p.m.) and the pub near Friedrichstraßenbabnhof. I shall wire you the day of my departure and we shall meet at the pub.[2]

Awaiting an early reply,


N. Lenin

P.S. You can invent a personal excuse to start corresponding with this Lettish Bolshevik.

  1. ↑ Meaning the followers of J. Janson-Braun, the conciliators.—Ed.
  2. ↑ Lenin’s meeting with I. Rudis-Gipslis and I. E. Herman took place in Berlin at Herman’s rooms.