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Draft Decision for the CPC on Non-Fulfilment of the “Decree on Monuments of the Republic”
This draft decision was adopted by the CPC on July 8, 1918, in connection (as recorded in the minutes) with the inquiry of “The Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars to Comrade Lunacharsky and Comrade Malinovsky concerning the reasons for non-fulfilment by them of the decision of the Council of People’s Commissars expressed in the ’Decree on the Removal of Monuments Erected to the Tsars and Their Servants and the Projecting of Monuments of the Russian Socialist Revolution” (Central Party Archives of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the CC of the CPSU).
On this question see also present edition, Vol. 35, p. 360, and Vol. 50, Documents 131, 140, 189, of Lenin’s Collected Works, Fifth Russian Edition.
The Council of People’s Commissars draws the attention of the Commissariats for Public Education and State Properties, as well as of the Presidium of the Moscow City Soviet to their impermissible inertness in the matter of carrying out the Decree of 14.IV.1918 (No. 416,[1] Collection of Statutes, No. 31) and orders them not later than tomorrow, 9.VII.1918, to arrange for a responsible person to exercise energetic supervision over the fulfilment and immediate enforcement of the decree and report progress to the Chairman of the CPC twice a week.
- ↑ Meaning Article 416.—Ed.